Author's Bio
WhitePubs Enterprises, Inc. is my company. I ran under the name White Enterprises for over 30 years - but that was taken when I went to incorporate. My son came up with WhitePubs, knowing that I was bound and determined to become a fiction writer. I was already a technical textbook and coursework author and had run an active online blog for over 20 years. I drafted my first novel in 1971. I eventually relased it in 2000. I will re-release it as an eBook--eventually.
I incorporated because the last high-tech firm I contracted with required a 3rd party to handle billing. When there was push to lower costs, cutting a contractor's fees are high on the list. So I became an approved vendor for the company, possible because I had billed direct at three other jobs over the years. I was now in control of my hours and my rate. It was strictly business.
However, I have wanted to write fiction since I was 8 years old. Seriously. I also grew up with access to my step-father's Saturday Evening Post and other publications--yes--science fiction. The 1940s and 1950s science fiction. I was schooled well.
In 1999, I sat in a room with two other women at the 1999 RT Convention in Toronto, Canada, and one was the founder of Elorah's Cave. We three women saw eBooks coming. I had actually published two textbooks to HTML in 1993-4. (Using HTML 1.0.) I had also brought up an eLearning class in 1993. I saw that coming too.
In 2013 I ended my career as an engineer-scientist-technical author and trainer and evolved into a full-time writer. I am still evolving. I write Hot Cops, Hot Fire, Hot Vampires as Caliente Morgan. I write Historical, because having watched four versions of Pride & Prejudice a few hundred times and having stayed glued to the period shows on PBS, I realized my heart was with that period. I have read a few thousand historicals. I write them under the pen name Lady Morgan, just to keep things more or less connected. I am re-purposing the best of my blog pieces into book collections (humor, life experiences, and my view of the world) and will release those under my real name, Donnamaie White.
My two best-selling textbooks are periodically released by me and are still online in free-to-reader HTML. They are headed for POD and eBook release as well. Yes, at 30+ years of age, they are still relevant. I released one in PDF to a University series in Canada last year.
I released a science fiction novel in print in 2000, the same year they diagnosed my younger son with leukemia. He demanded that I start my company and write my stories. I was not to use him as an excuse. He would be very happy that I followed his demands. Jettison will be re-released down the road in eBook format.
About the Author - Caliente Morgan
Caliente Morgan is the pen name for an American author who grew up in New England, fled to California after college, and pretty much stayed there. She also writes under the pseudonyms Lady Morgan and under her real name, Donnamaie White (d.e.white, and D. E. White).Her books span romance, paranormal, and historical genres, and cross over to the technical textbook world, where she is a five-star rated best-selling technical author. She has authored a popular blog since the 1990s. Her romance eBooks include the Hot Cop series and a regency series.
About the Author - Lady Morgan
Lady Morgan is the pen name for Donnamaie White’s regency series. She fell in love long ago with the Regency period, Jane Austin, Georgette Heyer, and all the excellent writers in the Silhouette Regency publications. The manners, the clothes, the balls, and just the England countryside. Let’s face it.
We all love Cinderella. Every Regency ever written is a Cinderella story. We love the penniless orphan landing an earl or a duke. (Even though there were really not ever that many dukes.) Even better, landing a Mr. Darcy.
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